Voice Scheduling -
Availability -
Covid -
Below is information on scheduling, possible formats, and any Covid requirements.
Our faculty teachers are not requiring Covid measures now, but for the main studio here on Queensberry Ave, we are coping with caregiver duties and must ask singers to test. To offset that, the studio is buying bulk tests from Costco as available and as needed. Current pricing on 600 tests from Costco makes it $1 per test. Working together, families can sign up for a set of 30 for $30. Sharing bulk pricing eases the sting by quite a bit! We appreciate you working with us on this. My husband and I are sole caregivers for my 86 year old mother in law, we see her often, and though she is amazing, she is also fragile.
For now, here's the information on availability and possible scheduling:
Laurie Nelson:
To have a slot on my roster, often we would begin by scheduling via cancellations. Singers scheduling via cancellations have spots on my waiting list and are first in line for regular openings as they occur. A number of openings always happen in August as some singers leave for college programs, but openings can also happen throughout the year.
I teach Sunday to Wednesday and alternating Fridays. Scheduling with me is available via my cancellation list, which doubles as a waiting list. See paragraph above for information on openings.
Format: I'm currently offering a hybrid of in-person with online training, generally alternating weeks online with weeks in person, or mixing and matching as it works best for each singer. I am open to all options but Covid testing is a must because of our caregiving responsibilities. See the "Covid" paragraph above for info on our bulk test sharing for financial help with this requirement.
Get a feel for my teaching via my students:
There are presently 3 faculty voice teachers with 2 more about to join us. Each trained with me for more than 10 years, so there's a family vibe, and consistency in the foundational approach within the studio. I have information for you on those and a third option below.
Madyson Hanton: Some availability may remain on Sunday afternoon/evenings, and we recently added Wednesday evenings for Madyson.
Mady is mid-move and presently she is in a temporary living situation. She's online for now, but will be settled in her new home quite soon and will offer in person lessons at that time. Teacher Reel on YouTube
Ashley Batten: Ashley has availability on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. She offers both online and in person lessons, often beginning online and then moving to in-person. Teacher Reel on YouTube
Alisa Waggoner: I believe you know this lady! Alisa Waggoner is moving to Pittsburgh in June, and will be teaching students exclusively online. She is an amazing singer, a gifted and nurturing teacher and her singers are consistently high achievers. Teacher Reel on YouTube
Meghan Willey: Meghan Willey offers both online and in person lessons and has availability several days of the week, including Sundays. Meghan is a remarkable teaching artist. All lessons could be in person with Meghan this summer, with a brief move to online lessons in the fall before returning to in person. Teacher Reel on YouTube