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Do you teach advanced singers?Yes. Each teacher here is a teaching artist. The technical foundation is classical and specialties vary. Each teacher has extensive experience in opera and/or musical theatre.
What is "NVTM?"NVTM stands for Nelson Vocal Training Method. This is why you are here! Chiaroscuro, (a classical Bel Canto technique), and how to achieve that balance in a healthful way, is fundamental to the NVTM method. Chiaroscuro is the important concept of simultaneous “light-dark” in the voice. The light comes from the ring or correct sinus resonance and the dark comes from depth and openness. IN PRACTICE: Moving beyond talking about the concept, and on to sharing the practical "how-to" is the defining basis that sets NM Productions apart from many studios. The Nelson exercise protocol is unique. Students learn not only what the open throat is, but how to achieve it in experiential terms. They learn which muscles should engage and which should relax and are given exercises that speed that coordination along. The same is true for mask resonance, support techniques, practical awareness of negative versus positive muscle use, the legato line, etc. Our approach to classical technique is the secret to our high level of success with both the operatic voice and the Broadway voice. THE OPERATIC VOICE: Laurie Nelson, along with several faculty members, is an opera singer. We understand the athletic aspect of the craft, and the need for developing a sound that soars above an orchestra while preserving beauty and stamina. We also have working facility with Italian, German, & French along with familiarity with the repertoire for both male and female fachs, THE BROADWAY VOICE: We offer classically based, effective techniques for developing the Broadway belt-mix for women and the top mix for tenors and baritones. You can often recognize a local NM Productions singer. They "belt" without yelling and they can keep it up all night long. GROWING WITH KINDNESS: Beyond practical knowledge, you'll find our teachers to be kind and supportive. They were each treated lovingly as young singers and they automatically do the same for their students.
Can I schedule a trial lesson?NO & YES. We do not offer "one-off" trial lessons. Rather, we offer a first group of lessons. It's not possible to understand what a teacher has to share in one lesson. Training for voice is a layered process. Your first lesson is largely an explanation and sharing in both directions. Your second lesson is a stronger introduction to beginning techniques and the selection of a first piece to sing. By the end of your third & fourth lesson, you'll have a feel for working with the teacher, and they will have a feel for working with you. We require a commitment to four lessons at registration.
Do you teach beginners?Yes. We share a philosophy that singing is a human birthright. We enjoy teaching singers at all stages of development.
How do I register for lessons?FIRST: Once you have reviewed our FAQs, and emailed us at, you will be able to discuss scheduling. Once availability & scheduling have been determined, registration is accomplished in 2 simple steps. 1. TUITION: We require a commitment to 4 lessons to get started and we accept either PayPal (has small fees) or Zelle (a free app available through most online banking). We do not accept Venmo. You will receive exact amounts and links once we know your preference - Zelle or PayPal. 2. SIGNED POLICY: A signed copy of our Planned Absence Policy is also required. The policy can be found on our Policies tab, and a pdf will be supplied when you contact us via email for scheduling and registration. The policy must be signed by the financially responsible party, or in the case of a minor the policy must be signed by the responsible adult. FINANCIAL DEPENDENTS: For singers and actors under 18, or who are financially dependent upon an adult, the above registration process must include the parent or responsible adult.
Is this a home studio?YES. We are an expanded version of the classic home studio with a strong family vibe. We have deep roots as each teacher with NM Productions also trained here.
Do you offer performance opportunities?YES. The studio hosts both casual and formal concert events. Current events can be found under the Performances tab. We also host a large YouTube channel where we offer 3rd party posting for our singers. The channel features hundreds of our singers' performances and the channel has garnered nearly 500K views. We help our performers to establish their professional online presence.
NM Productions' TeachersHISTORY: Laurie Nelson began teaching in 1986. In 1999, she began a teaching mentorship program for talented singers who had trained with her and wanted to teach voice upon completion of their college degrees in music. TODAY: Over the past 2 decades, the legacy has grown into a robust faculty of Nelson trained teaching artists. Each teacher is unique in their combination of training. University study, young artist programs, coaches., and performance experience work in combination with foundational training at NM Productions to create individual perspectives for each faculty member. Each teacher began their journey with the Nelson method, for both classical and contemporary singing. OUR COMMUNITY: At NM Productions, we have regular round table meetings, where we engage in problem solving, share questions, and discuss techniques with one another. We are a family. The shared experience of initial training and professional support creates an engaged studio culture of constant growth and learning.
Do you offer supplemental training?YES. In addition to voice, we offer training in acting, monologue development and music skills tutoring. Your teacher may suggest a group of supplemental lessons to strengthen one of these skills.
What are your policies on payments and scheduling?Our policies on tuition payments, planned absences and more are outlined in detail under the Policies tab.
Where are you located?LAURIE NELSON Lessons on Laurie Nelson's roster take place at the main studio in Springfield, Virginia on Queensberry Avenue. or online. Laurie Nelson uses a hybrid of both modalities. FACULTY: Lessons with local faculty members take place in each teacher's home studio, or online. IN PERSON: Addresses will be shared if you move forward to register for lessons. Each local teacher is reasonably near the main studio in Fairfax County, Virginia. ONLINE & NON-LOCAL TEACHERS: Lessons for certain skills and/or with certain faculty members take place online. In-person lessons with a non-local teacher may take place when the teacher visits NoVa. Current locations for our non-local teachers are Pittsburgh, PA and New York City.
What are your rates?Our rates range from $50 to $75 per half hour lesson, depending upon the teacher. FACULTY TEACHERS: $50 per half hour. The studio includes 3 NVTM trained faculty voice teachers. We have 2 acting teachers and 1 music skills teacher. Two of our faculty voice teachers also offer acting and monologue preparation, and one teacher also offers voice-over training. Please see our faculty page to read about the teachers. . LAURIE NELSON, Founder, Teacher & Faculty Director: $75 per half hour - Voice . You can learn more about Laurie Nelson at .
Do you offer in-person lessons?YES. Each teacher has a different format for lessons, but most are offering a hybrid of in-person and on-line lessons. Specifics will be shared when you move forward with registration. COVID 19 PROTOCOL: Some teachers require routine Covid tests as part of the in-person protocol for singers. Colds are not a serious concern, but Covid is airborne. ONLINE: Online lessons can be used to avoid losing a lesson due to circumstances or mild illness. OF NOTE It's beneficial to develop great sound in the online format as opportunity allows. Many theaters and colleges will continue to use the online format for auditions.
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