What is Performance Class?
Performance Class is held twice annually, usually in the fall and summer months. Qualified coaches are hired to work with various performance issues.
The class is a workshop in which students develop performance skills and audition skills. Students should use the workshop to prepare for performance events, governor’s school auditions, college auditions, professional auditions, competitions, or simply to improve confidence in the performance environment.
The primary focus varies from student to student, depending upon level of development. The classes are open to high school and college students.
The environment is supportive, and creates a comfortable setting in which to experiment with challenging performance issues away from the formal concert venue. Beginners are encouraged to participate.
Students will perform their piece from memory, and should be prepared to work on all aspects of their interpretation with their class coach. The piece must be memorized and if the piece is in a language other than English, a close word for word translation should be prepared.